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Mooblooms are a new type of mob from MinecraftEarth now added to Minecraft with added variants. New Mooshrooms included


This is the Biomes O' Plenty Addon which adds 30 new and colorful cows into your world


Some of the Mooblooms:

The Mooshrooms:


  • Moobloom facts:

- Mooblooms can be sheared like Mooshrooms and will dropp 5 of their flowers and transform into a normal cow.

- When you give your Moobloom Bonemeal you will recieve two of it's flowers or mushrooms.

- Mooblooms can be breed like cows.

- Deathbloom Mooblooms are immune to the wither effect


  • Spawning

- All Mooshrooms spawn in Mushroom Biomes.

- Mooblooms will not spawn in the wild, you have to craft a transformation item for the different Mooblooms.


  • Transformation

- The Transformation Item can be used on any cow to transform it.

- Crafting Recipes in Images

- The item will be consumed on use.



Q: Can I use this mod in my Modpack?

A: Yeah go for it, Modpacks are great.