I invite you to join me on discord for any help.
At this time, I am busy with my minecraft-server development, so I can't spent much time on the mod development. Sorry for that.
(As you can see, this is an french mod, and I have a really bad english. Sooo, please don't be hurt me :c)
Description Française
ModularVoiceChat est un mod de chat-vocal sur minecraft. Initialement créé pour un serveur RP, j'ai décidé de rendre ce projet public, afin d'en faire un mod open source ouvert à tous. Ce mod inclut donc initialement tout ce qu'un mod de chat vocal sur Minecraft devrait avoir. A savoir la possibilité de choisir le rayon dans lequel la voix va être diffusée, la possibilité de changer ses péréphériques d'entrées, ainsi que de sortie audio, ainsi que le volume de ces derniers. Plus encore, ModularVoiceChat a la particularité d'utiliser le codec audio Opus, à l'inverse de ses concurrents. Ce codec audio rapide et efficace permet une qualité audio généralement irréprochable, dans la limite du micro utilisé, bien sûr. Bien entendu, une multitudes d'options sont disponibles dans la configuration du serveur afin de s'adapter nativement à tout besoin.
- Doté d'une API complète permettant la création d'addons, et rendant le vocal accessible sur Minecraft.
- Utilisation d'un serveur UDP pour le transfert de la voix, permettant une bonne optimisation.
- Utilisation d'Opus pour l'encodage audio, permettant une très qualité audio.
- Son 3D basé sur la distance.
- Support du stéréo.
English Description
ModularVoiceChat is a voice-chat mod on minecraft. Initially created for a RolePlay server, I decided to make this project public, in order to make it an open source mod open to everyone. This mod therefore initially includes everything that a voice chat mod on Minecraft should have. Namely the possibility to choose the radius in which the voice will be broadcast, the possibility to change its audio input and output devices, as well as their volume. What's more, ModularVoiceChat has the particularity of using the Opus audio codec, instead of his competitors. This fast and efficient audio codec allows a generally irreproachable audio quality, within the limits of the microphone used, of course. Of course, a multitude of options are available in the server configuration in order to adapt natively to any need.
- Equipped with a complete API allowing the creation of addons, and making the voice accessible on Minecraft.
- Use of a UDP server for the voice transfer, allowing a good optimization.
- Use of Opus for audio encoding, allowing a very high audio quality.
- Distance based 3D sound
- Stereo support
Push-to-talk: just make you speaking. (default: V)
Open-config: just open the mod-config GUI. (basically for config your audio devices) (No default key, but there is a button in the pause screen)
Need help?
If you need help to config your server, or having troubles with the mod, please make sure you have read the wiki (
If you need more help, join me on discord! (