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Modern KeyWizard is a Modern-KeyBinding compatible KeyWizard fork.



Modern KeyWizard can be opened by pressing F7 or clicking the added button in the controls gui in the bottom right.

When you open the gui you will see a list of keybindings on the left and a colored keyboard on the right.

  • White keys are unbound
  • Green keys have only one binding
  • Red keys have more than one binding

Click a key (or the mouse button) to set the binding selected in the list to that key.

Press the All Bindings button to select the category displayed in the binding list.

The binding list can be filtered by typing binding names in the search bar below it. It can also be filtered by key name by surrounding the key name in angle brackets, e.g. <Left Control>. Ctrl + Alt + Left Click a key to auto-populate the search bar with the key name.



The mod requires Fabric API & Modern KeyBinding.

You DEFINITELY CAN add the mod to your modpack.