This mod is a small server utility that allows you to filter which mods players that join your server are allowed to use.
After running your server with this mod once you should find a config file named "ModControl.cfg" in your config dictionary. In there you can specify the list type (Blacklist,Whitelist) and the mod ids that should be blocked / allowed. You can also modify the message that players will get when joining with a blocked mod. By default operators will not be affected by this mod, you can however change that. In addition you can even specify specific users that will not be affected by Mod Control.
As an example, if you would want to prevent players from using NEI and Journey Map (Just the first two client side mods that came to my mind) on your server your config file would look like this:
# Configuration file
settings {
# The Kick Message an user will get when using a mod that's not allowed, %s will be replaced with the mod id [default: You are not allowed to use %s]
S:Kick-Message=You are not allowed to use %s# ListType (0=BlackList, 1=WhiteList) [range: 0 ~ 1, default: 0]
I:ListType=0# ModIds seperated by ; [default: ]
S:ModIds=journeymap;NotEnoughItems# Users that will not be affected by this mod. Seperated by ; [default: ]
S:IgnoredUsers=# Server Operators will not be affected by this mod [default: true]
You can also use the command "/mc reload" to reload the settings without restarting the server.
After running your server with this mod once you should fine a ModControl folder in your config folder, in there should be 3 different list txt files & a config file. In the config file you specify the default kick messages and whether operators can bypass this mod. The 3 list files is where you put the mod ids of the mods that you want blocked / forced. The White List contains all mods that the user can have installed, the blackList contains all mods that the user can't have installed and the Grey List contains all mods that the user is forced to have installed. The lists have the format "MODID:KICK MESSAGE". This is an example of a blacklist with custom kick messages.
Drop the downloaded jar file in your mods folder. This is a server side only mod, installing it on the client will NOT work.
Servers/Mod Packs
Feel free to use this mod on any server/in any modpack you want.