

ManaBarLib Overview:

Currently ManaBarLib is controlled via NBT Tags in addition to commands. The following are the list of useful commands:

/cdtoggle  <true/false> - This toggles the mana bar view on or off

/cdset <percent> - Set the mana bar to a given a percentage e.g. 10

/cdwait <wait> - The <wait> here refers to the number of ticks to wait before regenerating 1% of the mana

/cdget - Returns the current cooldown perccentage in chat



Accessing a players current cooldown level can done through a number NBT tag stored with every player called "cooldown_val" and wil return a decimal value from 0.0 to 100.0

1) Using decimal value within the /cdset command can result in the cooldown bar reaching 100.9% instead of capping off at 100%
2) Missing configurable mana bar locations