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Lycanites Mobs

This is a Forge mod and so requires Forge for all versions!

I have looked into Fabric but I'd have to rebuild the entire mod and Forge is still going strong and is still the king of modded Minecraft with no signs of stopping (be sure to support the Forge devs as without them there would be no mods like there are today). Fabric is cool but I have no plans to to make a Fabric version for now, however this mod is opensource so anyone is welcome to take up the challenge!

1.19+ is currently in development, this mod is 8+ years old and so I am doing a complete code rewrite as a new mod to be called Schism to clear the technical debt!


This mod adds over 100 new mobs to specific biomes, dimensions and more. These mobs range from peaceful Makas, farmable mammal-like reptiles with massive sails (watch out for the alphas) to horrific Grues that are made of the very shadows themselves! Expect to see angry elementals such as Cinders spawning from large fires or Spriggans from tall grass and crops! You can find a list of creatures here: Lycanite's Mobs Wiki: Creatures


Featuring a Beastiary, Taming and Summoning

You can tame your very own mount such as a Warg and bind it to you with a Soulstone allowing you to summon and dismiss it at will as well as have it respawn after death! Or perhaps you'd be more interested in crafting a Summoning Staff or Summoning Pedestal to summon your very own minion horde, either on the field of battle or at your base to stay guard while you are away or resting! 


Forge Powerful Equipment from Body Parts!

Lycanites Mobs now has an Equipment System, creatures will sometimes drop Equipment Parts, these can then be assembled in an Equipment Forge to create powerful tools and weapons that look weird and wonderful depending on what you mix together!


Massive Randomised Dungeon System

Lycanites Mobs also includes a Dungeon System which is super configurable via JSON files where custom dungeons can be added and existing dungeons can be completely changed. Dungeons can be very challenging with a boss on each floor, but offer grand rewards! You can also create your own custom dungeons via the dungeon configs.

A Lava Pit from the Demonic Temple Dungeon


Colossal Final Bosses and Random Events

This mod also adds optional special events which can be turned on via the config or using the command /lm mobevents enable, these events will start at random intervals (highly configurable) and will spawn waves of mobs! This mod also adds giant bosses like Rahovart, Asmodeus and Amalgalich which must be summed by building an altar and using a Soul Key to active a Boss Event! More info here: Lycanite's Mobs Wiki: Altars


Full Customisation of Mobs, Spawners, Items, Dungeons, Events and More!

Lycanites Mobs comes with a heavily customisable JSON Spawner System where you have absolute control over how every mob spawns and can even control the spawn of mobs from other mods or vanilla if desired, find out more here:



Website: Visit the Mod Website for Download Links and More Info

Wiki: Check out the Wiki for in depth and up to date information about everything in this mod.

Discord: For help or more info check out the mod Discord Server

Guilded: We now also have a Guilded Server

Gitlab: Lycanite's Mobs is Open Source and all code is publicly available on Gitlab

Planet Minecraft: Be sure to drop this mod a diamond on Planet Minecraft

Minecraft Hub: Check Out The Official Page On Minecraft Hub



Want Blocky Models?

Check Out The Lycanite's Mobs Redux Resource Pack

I quickly moved away from designing block mob models similar to vanilla style because I personally just hate it and love creating smooth models in blender with a slight retro feel to their textures. However these are my personal tastes so I have added support for the mod to load mob models via Resource Packs (restart required currently) and so there is a fantastic Resource Pack for Lycanite's Mobs by Spooky_Indominus and many other talented 3D artists called Lycanite's Mobs Redux which covers just about every single mob in a blocky style akin to vanilla Minecraft!

The Epion: Redux Edition


Special Thanks

I'd like to say a special thanks to everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed this mod, every download that goes through Curse (both direct and through packs) helps support me in taking time to work on this mod, but what truly motivates me the most is to hear and even see (YouTube, Twitch, etc) people enjoy my hard work and there is always much more to come!

A big thanks also goes to translators like Nacho21 (Spanish), helping bring you Lycanite's Mobs in your language and I'd also like to give a special thanks to all those who have donated and be sure to contact me for your very own Familiar Minion.


Join the Official Public Nephrite Server with Lycanite's Mobs

The Official Nephrite Server with Lycanites Mobs Is Currently ONLINE


Mod Packs:

Feel free to include this mod in your public/private mod pack! I strongly believe that all mods should be allowed in public packs as sharing should be in the spirit of the Minecraft community! Don't worry about providing credit or site links anymore as the Beastiary in game does this.

Kathoga wants to eat you!