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Lio's Player Animator API
This mod is a fork of Zigy'sPlayerAnimatorAPI, modified for use in the AnimationJS mod to provide server-side animations in Minecraft via commands or Java implementation.
More information on Zigy's wiki page.
- Optional LioLib Compatibility: This version has an optional dependency with LioLib, a Geckolib 4 fork allowing Geckolib animations to be played on the player including being able to render extra bones.
- Multi-Loader API Built-in: Incorporates Zigy's multi-loader API features, enabling seamless integration with other mods.
- Server-Side Animations: Enables triggerable server-side animations, adding a new dimension to gameplay and enhancing player immersion.
Gradle Dependency
To include Lio's Player Animator API in your project, add the following to your build.gradle:
Maven Repositories
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation fg.deobf('lio.liosmultiloaderutils:liosmultiloaderutils-forge-${minecraft_version}-${multiloader_version}:${multiloader_version}')
implementation fg.deobf("lio.playeranimatorapi:liosplayeranimatorapi-forge-${minecraft_version}-${liosAPI_version}:${liosAPI_version}")
Current Multiloader Versions:
1.19.2: 1.2.3
1.20.1: 1.2.3
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Special thanks to ZigyTheBird for creating the original Player Animator API and for allowing us to backport it for use in AnimationJS.