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Lembrary for 1.20.2+ (For NeoForge)
This mod is built to be a library to facilitate the development of The_Lemon_Juiced's other mods, primarily Lemon Core, Scalar Utils 5, and their add-ons.
Technical Features:
1. A custom DataTabletype that is used to easily implement resources in Lemon Core.
2. A BeheadingSwordItem, and its associated back end.
3. An OreCrushingHammerItem, primarily for Lemon Core and extended for Scalar Utils 5 and its add-ons.
4. A TunnelerItem, and its associated back end.
5. Tiers and ArmorMaterials for use in Scalar Utils and its add-ons, these were partially required for the TunnelerItem.
Also, check out all my active mods here: Lemon's Mods Notion or LemonJuice.dev.