- Mods
- 9,196,084
For newer versions, please refer to ExtendedAE. They adapted most of the features and the author got more time to maintain the mod.
✨ New in 1.18
The ME Requester! A device that automatically requests new crafts if an item amount falls below a certain value.
📑 Overview
This is a mod for Minecraft-Forge and a rewrite of the LazyAE2 mod for modern versions.
It adds some useful machines that will make your late-game Applied Energistics 2 experience less grindy.
📖 Wiki
If you want to know more about the machine interfaces, their functionality and how to alter recipes, you can read more on the wiki.
💚 Credits
Credits for the original mod go to phantamanta44. Although this is a complete rewrite, credits for the idea should be given!
The mod idea is taken with permission.
⏰ Changelog
Everything related to versions and their release notes can be found in the changelog.
🎓 License
This project is licensed under the LGPL-3.0 license.