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Welcome to the 4th dimension.

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KesseractJS is a fork of KubeJS, continuing its development for 1.16.5. It backport a lot of different features from the newer versions, and even adds some that are not present at all in the original mod. The latter are documented on a dedicated wiki, and support for those are offered on our discord server, so don't be afraid to ask there.

This mod depends on a modified fork of the Rhino JS parser called Rhizo, please install it before use. We also highly recommend you use ProbeJS Legacy during script development for better IDE support.

This project was made as a collaboration between Hellish Mods, ZZZank, and MundM2007, with the occasional help from Team Potato. Thank you guys <3

Feature showcase

To be honest, there are too many. So we're only showcasing some features here, there's a much more complete feature/fix list in our doc

Doc Index

  • Command Registry
onEvent('command.registry', event => {
    const Commands = event.getCommands()
    const Arguments = event.getArguments()

        .excutes(context => {
            const player = context.source.playerOrException.asKJS()
  • Fake mod registration and Mod display name editing
// In startup_scripts

Platform.getInfo('kubejs').name = "CircleJS"

Platform.registerFakeMod("notarealmodid").displayName("Hello World!")
onEvent('item.registry', event => {


  • Backports
// Welcome to the future babyyyy

// Falling block type
onEvent('block.registry', event => event.create('metal_pipe', 'falling').material('anvil'))

// Custom music discs (
onEvent('item.registry', event => event.create('disc_14', 'music_disc').song('jamiroquai:vitrual_insanity'))

// thickTexture/thinTexture and textureThick/textureThin intercompatibility
onEvent('fluid.registry', event => {
    .textureThick(0xFF0000) // Both methods work!
// Modern Math Helpers
KMath.clamp(3.4567, 4, 5) // clamp a number
KMath.v3d(0.1, 2,3, 4,5) // create a Vertor3d
KMath.m4f() // create a Matrix4f

// + more!
  • Fixes. Lots of 'em.

for example, fail-safe for ResourceLocation wrapping and recipe id, this can fix recipe builder with invalid id failing silently and block code execution

  • Full drag-and-drop compatability with old Kube scripts
  • Continuous updates. More in the future!
