yes im serious, yes I actually straight up made this, amogus is dead, but the sus never dies
V:1.17.1 (Forge) No plans to backport, port to fabric, or update.
Crafting Recipes
Knife:2 Impostor ingots, laid vertically in the middle of the grid, above a stick
Ways to obtain/get/you get the point stuff
Imp ingot:killing Impostor, crewmates dont drop them
Crewsafe armor:Not intended for a player to use. Only the boots do anything, which give a LOT of ap but they are not obtainable without cheats, and the crewmates wear them to be invincible or close to.
So uh, for some reason the Impostors and crewmates dont spawn in their custom biome rn. Nor can they be spawned in at all somehow. So I will try to figure that out, for now only the most recent ver is succesful. New CR:Imp ingot, 9 blocks 1 per grid slot in crafting table. 9 blocks of fire coral I should say. (why this? its mineable from the biome itself u just need to know a bit about mc to get a lot of it)
K so now in the latest update (Impostor SusV1.2) I have changed a couple things and hopefully the 2 custom mobs spawn now. Both are now set to Creature spawning, aka they can spawn anywhere anytime as long as the spawning block allows it, however the reason why you cannot find the 2 mobs in places other than the sus biome is because I have set the 2 mobs to ONLY spawn in the biome
Spawn groups:Crewmate, 2 always spawn in the same group, tameable with a Imp Ingot. Impostor, 1-2 spawn at a time. They are bosses so be careful.
The Imp Ingot recipe is still in, just in case the new ver doesnt fix the spawning. Let me know if you think its too OP to be able to craft them. Also, to get the fire coral needed, get a silk touch tool and then mine the coral. The coral can be found in the sus biome, or in oceans.
V1.3 should have fixed imp spawning. V1.2 fixed crewmate spawning. Also in v1.3 I tweaked spawning, weight used to be both 20 but now its 5 for imp and 10 for crewmates. Before crewmates spawned so damn much that as soon as you entered the sus biome you would instantly see a sea of crewmates