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A mod aiming to improve certain aspects of minecraft worldgen, namely caves, caverns, mineshafts, and other underground features.
Disclaimer: By default, big epic caves and caverns are not that common! Do not be afraid to tweak the config file to make them more frequent!
Disclaimer 2: If something does not work, conflicts with another mod, etc. try disabling B:"Enable World Population Changes" and B:"Separate Flooded Y Level" in the configuration file before trying anything else.
World Generation Features:
- Bigger caves, longer cave systems, different types of cave systems.
- Bigger caverns, joined cavern systems, caverns can now spawn in any biome, different types of cavern systems.
- Underground water lakes and oceans (the latter only spawning under Deep Oceans by default, but configurable). Note: this feature is known to conflict with world generation mods that add a custom world type, namely Realistic Terrain Generator, Highlands, etc. If they are used, you can turn off this feature (config entry B:"Separate Flooded Y Level") in the config and safely enjoy the rest of the mod.
- Different types of stalactites, stalagmites, cave plants, huge glowing mushrooms, as well as vines, cobwebs and occasionally skulls appearing underground.
- Mineshafts are longer / have more complex systems.
- Improved sand generation.
- Custom underground mobs (so far only 2), spawn rates configurable.
- Every of the mentioned features are configurable through the config file, as well as the cave frequency multipliers, cavern frequency multipliers, big cave spawn chance, cave width multiplier, filled cave Y level, filled cave material, some structure generation toggles, and much more.
Note: If you're going to be making the caves *really* huge, I can recommend this mod's configuration options to give them more height to spawn.
Credit where it's due:
Some of this mod's code is taken from the amazing mod The Master Caver's Underground 4/2. Permissions: and
Planned Features
- Suggest features in the comments!
Q: When port to version x.x.x?
A: If you want to do it, go ahead, just credit me and The Master Caver.
Q: Modpacks?
A: Of course! No need to ask.
Q: There is a crash! / This mod doesn't work with X! / I found a bug!
A: You can always report it on the issue tracker and I'll try and take a look.
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