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Hot Or Not TFC is a fork of Hot Or Not+, an addon for TerraFirmaCraft: The Next Generation forked by ACGaming56, which is a fork of Hot or Not, a mod by Buzz135 & Affehund
What's different in this version? Simple, the inclusion of TFC Tool Tiers. That's it. It just adds the missing metal tool types, and changes Iron Tongs to Wrought Iron Tongs.
Additionally it removes redundant Vanilla Hot or Not recipes, & updates the textures too!.

Tools come in tiers ranging from Tier I to Tier V

Hot Or Not TFC currently relies on TFC Tech Unofficial (or any mod that includes items with an oreDictionary of "stickMETALNAME") to enable crafting recipes for the metal tongs.

Mitts and Wooden Tongs are still craftable in Vanilla TFC x Hot or Not TFC.
Ideally you'd be able to smith these in an anvil instead, that's on my ToDo.

Configuration Options:

• Switches for hot, cold or gaseous items. (enable/disable)
• Temperature thresholds for hot & cold items.
• Whitelists/Blacklists for custom items added by the user.
• Durability of the protection items.
• Tooltips.
• Automatic throwing of items.

Quick demonstration of Hot or Not TFC:

Feel free to join the TerraFirmaCraft Network Discord Server.
Care to donate to me? I would appreciate it a lot.