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 UPDATE 1.10.2 : This still exists but no longer as a standalone single item mod.  See downloads at , a mod where you can turn off any items you dont want in config.


New carrots that upgrade and change your horses.  Allows access to the Zombie Horse and Skeleton Horse entites that are already in the vanilla game, but not accessible.


Lapis Carrot:

Changes the horses variant (brown, grey, black, etc).


Emerald Carrot:

Feed it to your horse and it will switch the horse type; rotates between standard, zombie, and skeleton.


Diamond Carrot:

Adds one heart of health to the horse.


Two new items added in 1.1.0:


Ender Carrot

to increase horse jump height


Redstone Carrot

to increase jump and speed.


Config file added 'samshorsefood.cfg' will let you control the maximum value that health, jump, and speed is allowed to get to.