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Welcome to Horrors of Halloween, a spine-chilling Minecraft mod that transforms your game into a hauntingexperience. This mod adds New Mobs, Weapons, Tools, Structure and a Exocist Level-Up system.


Ghost has 10 HP and 3 damage, it floats around, can spawn anywhere dark and drrops Spirit Piece.

MB Ghost has 60 HP and 6 damage, it spawns when a Grave is broken and may release spirit ash when hurt, it drops contract ink.

Pumpkin Ghost has 30 HP and 6 damage, It spawns in the Dark forest floating around and drops rarely drops Pumpkin Fragment.

M Pumpkin Ghost has 20 HP and 6 damage, it is spawned by the Pumpkin Reaper and burns players.

MB Pumpkin Ghost has 150 HP and 9 damage, It spawns when a Old Grave is broken. burns players and gets stronger after killing others, it drops contract ink.


Arm Weilders has 18 HP and 8 damage, it spawns dark areas/dungens and rarely drops Bone Blade.

Vampires has 50 HP, 5 damage and if its health is less than 30 it gains Regenration 2 and Strength, It rarely spawnes, drops Vampires blood and rarelt Vamperic Tooth, When hurt It gives bleeding to opponent.


Basplodes has 40 HP and shoots explosives, it spawns in the Basalt biome in Nether and explodes 2 seconds after death, It drops Gun Pouder, Basalts, Flame Balls and rarely Deamonic Orb.

THE PUMPKIN REAPER is a BOSS MOB that has 400 HP, 10 damage and Goes into demonic form if HP less than 100 gaining Resistance 3 and Strength 2, it dropes its Sythe on death and is spawned by Right Clicking a Carved Pumpkin on a Cursed Sack with Pumpkin Soul, It creates damage cloud which heals itself and spawnes M Pumpkin Ghost.