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Hiccup's Legacy v1.2.0 Update

Welcome to Hiccup's Legacy, a How To Train Your Dragon-inspired mod!
This mod brings rideable dragons, new weapons and armor, unique plants, and various mechanics to Minecraft.

New Discord Server (BETA)


19 Dragons Currently Available:

  • Night Fury, Hideous Zippleback, Deadly Nadder, Gronckle, Monstrous Nightmare, Whispering Death, Smothering Smokebreath, Flightmare, Hobgobbler, Night Terror, Terrible Terror, Fireworm, Death Song, Light Fury, Speed Stinger, Songwing, Grim Gnasher, Snow Wraith and Red Death (one per world boss).


  • Custom Attacks: Default keys: R (Primary) and X (Secondary).
  • Dragon Commands: Shift + Right-Click dragons to command your tammed dragons (they can sit, walk on ground, walk / fly and follow)
  • Taming and Riding: Each dragon has specific favorite foods and treats. Consult the Dragon Manual for guidance (not all dragons have documented taming, so for some of them you will have to test your trainer skills).
  • Prey Catching: Fly close to animals (e.g., yaks, cows, pigs, chickens, sheep) and press G to catch prey. Disable landing (K key) for easier hunting.
  • Scale Shedding: Dragons unable to fly (e.g., indoors) will shed scales over time, used for crafting armor.
  • Flying Controls:
    • Ascend: Space Bar (default).
    • Descend: Left Control (default).

Special Features:

  • Gronckle Iron Crafting: Feed a Gronckle the Gronckle Iron Mixture (crafted with calcite, sandstone, obsidian, raw iron, and a bucket) to produce Gronckle Iron, a lightweight yet powerful material for weapons and armor.


4 Plants Available:

  1. Dagga
  2. Dragon Nip
  3. Angel Fern
  4. Dragon Root

Notable Uses:

  • Dragon Nip Cure Mixture: Combine 2 Dragon Nips, 1 Dagga, and 1 Lily of the Valley to craft a Cure Mixture, which can:
    • Be brewed into potions for up to 3 personal cures.
    • Be combined with Yak Milk on a Milk Pot to create a Bucket of Eel Pox Cure, usable on mobs and yourself.
  • Dragon Root: Found in forests; right-click to harvest roots or break the plant for seeds.Crafting Uses:
    • Dragon Root Soup: Add slices to a heated cauldron; yields tipped arrows of poison (2 uses per slice).
    • Dragon Nip Stew: Combine root slices, yak milk, mushrooms, and a bowl for high saturation and food. Cures speed-related effects 90% of the time but may cause nausea/poisoning (10%).
  • Angel Fern: Found in coniferous forests; slows walking but boosts jumping.
    • Used in crafting Slow Falling Potions.



  • New "cow-like" animal that drops fur and meat.
  • Yak Milk Uses (on the new Milk Pot block):
      1. Chocolate Yak Milk: Grants Speed III.
      2. Yaknog: High saturation and food value.
      3. Glow Cheese: Grants glowing effect

All recipes for these new foods are on the Dragon Manual


Hiccup's Inferno Sword:

  • Modes: Retracted, Extended (No Fire), and Extended (With Fire).
  • Requires filling it with Monstrous Nightmare Gel to ignite. To fill it, right-click with the gel on the off-hand and the retracted sword on the main-hand.

Heather's Axe:

  • Two modes: Closed (acts as an axe) and Extended (acts as a sword).

Other Features

  • Improved Dragon Manual with more documentation.
  • New mechanics for Fish Traps (use glow squid ink sac to attract fishes).
  • Dragon Hunter Ships that spawn in the ocean (bigger ships with dragons on them coming in future updates).
    • You can find Dragon Hunter Logs in some chests. By right-clicking this new item, it can give you vital informations on where the Red Death boss is and how to summon it in your world (the coordinates are block coords, not world coords, it's the one bellow the "XYZ" in the F3 menu).

Developer Notes

Special Thanks:

  • Huge thanks to MsChomper for assistance with models and sounds!

Credits & Disclaimer:

  • Some models are inspired by the paid HTTYD DLC for Bedrock Edition, but all were created uniquely for this mod.
  • I tried to pack as much content and improvements in this current release as i could, but i still have loads of new features like new dragons (Songwing, Snow Wraith, Fireworm Queen, Changewing, Timberjack, Stormcutter, Snaptrapper, Rumblehorn, Grim Gnasher, Hotburple, Razorwhip, Thunderdrum, Buffalord, Skrill, Sea Shocker), features (Dragon Eye for the possible upcoming Bewilderbeast), better and more structures and loads more, so stay tuned!
  • The config file that appears is WIP, so it DOES NOT WORK, it's just for testing purposes. 

Feedback Welcome:

  • As a solo developer, your feedback is invaluable. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions!