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Forge: Requires Sinytra Connector
Note: 1.19 versions are outdated. The description below refers to 1.20 and 1.21 versions.
Haemorrhage adds 4 status effects (Bleeding, Bleedout, Broken and Health Loss) and healing items.
Player gets these effects after taking damage. Bleeding is most common and its length depends on damage taken and players armor.
Config file can be accessed via Mod Menu
Config file name: imbleeding.json
You can exclude mobs from giving Bleeding and select items which remove effects from this mod. More info here.
Detailed description of effects and items:
Bleeding effect - deals 0.5 health per tick and stops food healing. If your hp is 0.5 or below, Bleeding will apply Bleedout effect instead of damaging you
Bleedout effect - reduces your max hp by 12 points and kills you if player has Bleeding effect AND Bleedout duration is longer than 1m and 30s
Broken effect - reduces your movement speed by the same amount as slowness and prevents sprinting
Health Loss effect - reduces your max hp by 2 points per level
Bandage - heals 2 hp and removes Bleeding
Sticky Bandage - shorter use time, same effects as Bandage
Honey Bandage - heals 5 hp, removes: Bleeding, Health Loss and Poison
Soaked Bandage - applies status effect (similar to tipped arrows)
Herbal Balm - heals 3 hp, and lowers amplifier and duration of Bleeding and Health Loss
Splint - replaces Broken effect with slowness
- Milk bucket doesn't remove Bleeding, Bleedout and Broken
- Honey bottle removes Health Loss and heals 1 hp
- Enchanted golden apple removes Bleeding and Bleedout
- Player gets darkness effect after taking damage at low hp and blindness effect when barely alive
- Fire damage lowers Bleeding duration
- Player leaves red particles when bleeding and shakes when bleeding out
Health Flasks from Mine Cells cure bleeding from this mod(removed in x.1.2 versions, use datapacks)- Player is unable to roll (Combat Roll) with Broken effect