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Gravity Zones is a mod inspired by Robinton's Low Gravity mod and was requested by MineCrak.
This mod adds the ability for Custom Gravity Zones to be defined on a server and sent to the client.
In addition to modifying gravity you can also modify a lot of other parameters such as Oxygen, Cloud Height, and Sky Color.
Compatible with Cubic Chunks and Cubic World Gen but also works with vanilla
In addition as I also maintain Forge Essentials, this mod is fully compatible with Forge Essentials multiworld.
If you need help or want to get the latest CICD build, feel free to join my Discord.
Current zone parameter list:
String name
double gravityFactor
double fogFactor
boolean rainDisabled
boolean thunderDisabled
boolean sunsetDisabled
boolean alwaysShowStars
int cloudHeight
AxisAlignedBB bounds
int dim
Color fogColor
Color skyColor
Color horizonColorOverride
NOTE: Mod is currently incompatible with Advanced Rocketry and Galacticraft as they also modify gravity in the same place.