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Goetia is a mod made for the first "The Modding Trials", created in under 96 hours. It's a magic mod based around summoning demons and other entities to use them for various magical purposes.
The first step you need to take in Goetia is locating Ancient Notes, which can be found in dungeon chests all across your world. Examining these notes will give you ancient knowledge of powerful symbols, which can be used to interact with the demonic realm.
From there, you will want to summon some kind of demon. You must use a Summon Imp, Summon Fiend, or Summon Demon symbol to do so, and each must be activated with your experience levels. Upon activation, the symbol will slowly spin to life, until with a flash of fire a demonic creature will appear before you.
After this, your progression is up to you. Trap demons around a Demonic Forge symbol to create new, powerful items. Bring impurity to your soul by absorbing demons directly into it, all to unlock new kinds of unholy magical spells in your soul focus. Use your magic to become a flying angel of death, laying waste to the landscape with fireball volleys. The choice is yours.
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