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Global Settings V3!

Totally rewritten with these awesome features!


  • Modded Support! No more losing mod keybinds or options!
  • Auto-Loading toggle! Packs can now safely include the mod without issues! (Auto-loading is a global option, Not per instance)
  • Java Environment Variable support for moving the location of the master file! (Use "-Dmaster.properties.location=" to change the location of the file.
  • Linux will by default will point to the "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" system property by default! Take that file specifications!
  • Manual Options importing! You can have all the fun of setting up an instance in one click then modify it without worrying that it will be reset! (Don't use auto-load if you want unique per instance files.)
  • Options are manually updated! Got a pack set up exactly how you want? Save the options and never touch them again!



Because of the total rewrite things act a bit differently, The master file isn't populated by default anymore and auto-loading is off by default so you will need to set the mod up once beforehand to use it everywhere.

You can also find the master file location by looking at the game log as all the information as to what the mod is doing is logged.


Steps to set up:

  1. Find whatever instance you would like to start with, More mods = better long term options.
  2. Set all the options how you would like them to be.
  3. Click the "Update Master" button in the "Options" screen.
  4. Place the mod in any other instances
  5. Click the "Load Master" button to copy the options from the master file.
  6. Enjoy!


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