GeoSmelt's goal is to use what Mojang already has in the game and expand upon it. Adding 12 ores with unique progression all of the tools and weapons are unique and not like other mods. This mod has 1 new boss, several mobs, and even a new structure in the End to explore using the new trial chamber system. GeoSmelt is almost feature-complete, but that doesn't mean there won't be new things in a port to a newer version of Minecraft. I hope you enjoy the mod and as always leave some feedback.
Most of the mod's content on this main page is all 1.20+ as earlier versions are OLD and not supported anymore.
This mod adds several unique ores.
The order of progression for ores goes:
Diamond > Netherite > Viradium > Dark Iron > Starcinium/Dark Steel> Adamantium/Xenoksmith
Where to find the ores:
Adamantium Ore: Max: -48 Min:-64 (In the overworld at the ranges listed)
Deep Iron Ore: Max: -24 Min:-64 (In the overworld at the ranges listed)
Deep Platinum Ore: Max: 0 Min:-35 (In the overworld at the ranges listed)
Mithril: Max: 114 Min: 27 (Only in the Basalt Delta biome)
Nether Coal Ore: Max:128 Min:0 (Everywhere in the nether)
Dark Iron Ore: Max:114 Min:27 (Everywhere in the nether, rarely)
Netherite Ore: Max:45 Min:0 (Incredibly rare spawn in underground blackstone, not the blobs in the delta)
Platinum Ore: Max:24 Min:0 (In the overworld at the ranges listed)
Starcinium Ore: Max:47 Min:0 (Only in the end midlands and highlands)
Sparkling Sand: Max:77 Min:27 (On the surface sand in warm ocean biomes)
Terranite Geodes: (Only in the Jungle)
Viradium: Max -34 Min:-64 (Only in cold biomes)
Rose Quartz Geodes: (Only in desert biomes)
Starcinium (star-sin-e-um)
“Starcinium… A metal long lost to the void, it’s surprisingly lightweight but very very durable. It seems to have some sort of cosmic magic that makes it malleable. Starcinium gilded apples are a great source of food and are iconic across the End because of their strange sour taste. Legends also have it, that Starcinium can be alloyed with Mithril to make a metal unknown to man.”
Xenoksmith (zeen-o-smith)
Legends have it that this alloy is only possible because of cosmic disturbances in the space-time continuum. The remarkable qualities of this fusion of mithril and starcinium can be used to make a terraformer. Perhaps enchanting it with rebound from the Malum mod will give it unique soul-hunting abilities?
Adamantium (ada-man-tee-um)
The fabled metal of old... This odd metal seems to take a liking to the deepest parts of the world. The bedrock that surrounds it must have established its unnaturally durable properties. The armor made from this metal will boost your damage, while the sword and axe whisper in your mind that you must absorb everything's life force.
Viradium (vi-radium)
A radioactive metal found in cold biomes. This metal has a very withered personality and anything it touches will meet decay and doom.
Dark Iron
A cruel metal formed by the souls of the Nether. Not much use for it other than being a catalyst for higher tiers of gear.
Sssscccorpions!?, Spppspspspsppriggans!?, and VAMPIRES?!
This mod adds many new mobs and monsters:
Scorpions come in many variants. Nether, Cave, Ice, Desert, and the most elusive Emperor.
Use the scorpion stingers to craft a Poisoned Dagger or brew a potion of stability with the chitin.
Get an obsidian chitin from the Emperor Scorpion to craft a special piece of armor.
Ever since I was 10 I wanted scorpions to come to the game because of Mo' Creatures. They aren't perfect in their implementation, but I am proud of what I could do with my limited knowledge of coding!
Very spooky undead bat monsters. They spawn underground below y0. Fiends will heal from every attack they land on you and even turn invisible. Shadow Essence is dropped from Fiends and can be used to make Shadow Rage potions and Dark Steel. Shadow Rage will boost your attack by 4 per level and turn you invisible below 10 health.
Cranky creaky friends of the creaking, they are next door neighbors. These rotten tree fiends will guard the dark forest and shake off arrows like they are nothing. The weakness to these evil trees is fire. They drop tough roots rarely (so do thornroots and underoots) which can be used to brew potions of Nature's Ward giving you extra armor per level.
Crumblers are ogres that spend too much time thinking about how they are gonna put you in a stew. While the normal crumbler is completely docile until attacked, the cave and fire ones are another story. Cave Crumblers will only notice you when you are in the brightest of light, and fire crumblers will only attack you when you are in the dark. Crumblers have quite the temper when you make them angry and will break blocks around them to get to you. Don't worry they don't break every block and its tag controlled through CRUMBLER_BREAKABLES. Crumblers are also designed in a way that the player has to initiate the interaction instead of being naturally hostile and destroying builds randomly.
Vanilla Mob Variants
Skeleton Warriors: Armored skeletons with steel swords and weakening arrows. YES SWORDS.... yikes! That's about it.
Jungle Tarantulas: Neutral spiders that hate illagers and can be tempted with glow berries. These "friendly" spiders will shoot icky shots at their enemies poisoning and slowing them. You can't breed Jungle Tarantulas, sorry.
Soul Creeper: Fast exploding creepers that only spawn in the Soul Sand Valleys of the Nether. Kill them for soul powder.
Blight: Remodeled Vexes that have a lot lower health and drop soul powder. Blights are spawned by the Galaxy Champion so watch out.
Deep Iron: Strong golem that hits really hard, but moves so so slow.
Starcinium: Quicker golem with high health, but maybe not as much attack damage. This golem is immune to fires and explosions!
The Galaxy Champion
The champion takes the form of an illager. This entity isn't even from this world, not from the nether, nor the end. It is a traveling champion from another reality that is eager for new challengers to face it in combat. When you win the combat it will give you a Core of Galaxius to upgrade your starcinium gear. You can challenge the Champion's true form for ascendant cores to upgrade your gear even further. (be easy on me I am not a great coder)
Useful in any mod pack, not just mine!
Have fun!
kekie6: Inspiration for the rosewood door and trapdoor (colorful azaleas)
Jacob Wick: Starcinium Ore, Duskrok, Rough Duskrok, Duskrok Pillar, Terranite Blocks, Etched Starcinium, Labradorite, Marble, Deep Iron Golem.
kzeroko: Chinese translations for the 1.16.5 version.
Choonster: modding tutorials
McJty: modding tutorials
Many big-name mods for reference to code/ tags.
Malum, Create, Mekanism, Tinkers' Construct, Metallurgy, etc. for all of the wonderful inspiration and ideas.