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Fexcraft Common Library (short-name 'FCL')

FCL is a library mod containing various utils used across my Mods.
Some Features:
- AutoRegistry (1.12)
  - annotation based, register things with just one line of code, like:
    - Blocks (with or without variants)
    - TileEntities (together with the block)
    - Items (with or without variants)
    - TileEntity Special Renderers
- Models (1.12)
  - FCLItemModelLoader - custom model loader to customly render item models
  - FCLBlockModelLoader - custom model loader for (static) blocks using TMT Model
- TMT - official distribution of the Fexcraft TMT Branch
- FRL - Fex's Render / Library
- GUI lib/wrapper
- Universal JSON UI Library
- Universal Config UI for mods using FCL ConfigBase


You're free to use this library as dependency for your mod/s too!
