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NOTICE: This mod is deprecated in favour of BlossomWarps!


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A server-side Fabric mod that adds /warp command-set.
Works for Minecraft 1.16.2-1.19.2
Requires FabricAPI


/warp <destination> - Teleports you to the destination

/warps - Alias for /warps list
/warps list [<dimension>] - Lists all warps for the specified dimension or all dimensions

OP level 2 permissions

/warps add <name> [<x y z> [<yaw pitch> [<dimension>]]] - creates a new warp destination using your coordinates/rotation/dimension if they're not provided
/warps warp_player <player> <name> - warps a player to the specified warp destination
/warps remove <name> - removes a warp destination with the name /warps config [<name> [<value>]] - sets or gets a config value


Can be found in config/
Configuring through commands automatically rewrites the file.

cooldown - The minimum time between warping. Default: 15 (seconds)
bossbar - Whether to enable the boss bar indication for standing still, if set to false will use action bar for time. Default: true
stand-still - How long should the player stand still for after accepting a tpa or tpahere request. Default: 5 (seconds)

NOTICE: This mod is deprecated in favour of BlossomWarps!