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NOTICE: This mod is deprecated in favour of BlossomTPA!


CurseForge downloads GitHub package.json version Discord server
A server-side Fabric mod that adds /tpa command-set.
Works for Minecraft 1.16.2-1.19.2
Requires FabricAPI

Provides the usual set of TPA commands: /tpa <player> - Initiates request for you to teleport to <player>
/tpahere <player> - Initiates request for <player> to teleport to you

/tpacancel [<player>] - Cancel a tpa or tpahere request you've initiated, argument required if multiple ongoing
/tpaaccept [<player>] - Accept a tpa or tpahere request you've received, argument required if multiple ongoing
/tpadeny [<player>] - Deny a tpa or tpahere request you've received, argument required if multiple ongoing

More info over on GitHub

NOTICE: This mod is deprecated in favour of BlossomTPA!