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Exploration Expansion: Beta 2.1 (Discontinued)
Yes you read that right.
I have decided to discontinue this mod.
But because this mod was downloaded because of it's caves, I've made a mod based on cave decorations.
It's called, Caves Plus
This mod is going to be a exploration overhaul.
There are (going to be) many new features.
For instance:
A very unique generation system in caves.
A overhaul of the nether.
New Dungeons.
New Villages.
New Bosses.
New advancements.
There are already a lot of things in the mod,
Here is a trailer/showcase
And here are some new things:
These are new mobs
as you can see there are new slimes, variants of mobs, special mobs, ect.
This is the nether with an overhaul.
There are new structures like spikes, towers, trees, caves.
There are currently 9 new biomes:
The ruins, little tree forest, big tree forest, ice plains, ice hills, the wasteland, desert spikes, desert Hills, cacti desert.
As you can see there are 4 new dimensions.
1.jungle caves Dimension
2.Mushroom Caves Dimension
3.New End Dimension
4.New Nether Dimension
For now.................
There are new bosses for every dimension
And one giant temple with one giant boss
And of course A lot of Caves/Cave decorations.
This mod has 448 Mod Elements (if you are interested)
And this mod uses over 10000 Procedure Blocks(if you are interested in this too)
-----no discord server anymore------
I hope everyone can enjoy this mod.
thanks to everybody who congratulated me for mod of the week or said something nice. :)
can you find the secrets?
Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like everybody wants to know how to make cave decorations like this
i used a new block that block generates a lot in the world.
it checks for air on top and underneath itself.
if there is air than it has a chance to spawn a spike.
if there isn't than it does nothing.
Its really simple.
made with mcreator https://mcreator.net/