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This MOD was made for the first time by me and there is much competition with other MOD


High cost, but add high performance tools and blocks, rituals.




Experience Tools

Very high performance tool, right click to consume experience value to repair.

However, the cost is high and there is not much durability value


Erfahrung Tools

At this stage, the endurance becomes infinite, and the tool which just increased the attack power dramatically


Enchantment Pearl

It has high enchantment appropriateness, but it can not be used as a tool


Experience Jewel

Simply putting it in inventory increases the speed of collecting experience value


Flying spell paper

A spell that allows creative flight at no cost

You do not have to put it in inventory after startup


Accelerate Stone & Advanced Accelerate Stone

Stone to accelerate block with tile entity


Growth Stone & Advanced Growth Stone

Stone that accelerates plant growth