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Equal Sky! - Companion will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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This is a companion mod for the Modpack Equal Sky!

Features and Integrations:

  • Skyblock world generation
  • Integration between FTB Quests and EMI to open recipe view wen clicking a quest
  • Adding Creative Item recipes through Avarita
  • Adding Aequitas Portable Pedestal to Avarita recipes
  • Better parity between Energized Power and Tech Reborn's ore grinding recipes
  • Lootbag data for custom rewards
  • Access to Archon essence, Bewitchment salt, Aequitas petrified essence, zinc and cobalt
  • Adding missing seeds to common "c" tag
  • Adding missing saplings and seeds in the Farming For Blockheads market
  • Grant Aequitas Essence guide on spawn as the modpack is intended to show off its features
