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I'm not working on this mod any more, but you can check out my other work over at lopcode.com and twitch.tv/carrot


EnderTech is intended to be a tech and Ender themed mod, starting at around Thermal Expansion's end-game. It will contain powerful, relatively expensive mechanics, with some configurability. The defaults will maintain a balance that makes my own game more fun.

Some features are often in development, so try to use Promoted builds in your world. It's still no guarantee that a recipe or cost won't change, but I'll try to make sure things carry over where possible.




Yes, you can use it in your (public) mod pack, as long as:

  • You aren't charging for access to items or the mod itself (Mojang's ToS applies),
  • You don't modify the Jar (it is appropriately signed and modifying it would break this).

Don't like the balance (eg: think it's too energy expensive)? Change it in the configuration!