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These chests link together based on matching color patterns. All chests with the same color buttons share an inventory. Ender bags can be color coded to access chests as well giving you a portable solution to the question "How do I access the stuff at my base when I am not there?"


EnderStorage is a mod that offers a means to store your items in The END, causing them to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All EnderStorage makes use of the magic of colors to link storage with its little piece of The END. Any EnderStorage with the same color code share inventory (even across dimensions). Currently there are two types of storage, EnderChest and EnderPouch.

EnderChests are a stationary type of EnderStorage. You can use dye on the wool pads on top of the chest to alter its color code. As an alternative, you can craft an EnderChest with three dyes to change the color code as well. EnderChests work as any other chest for the purposes of blocks that manipulate chests contents. This makes EnderChests an ideal way to transport items over vast distances in an instant.

EnderPouches are a mobile type of EnderStorage. You can use an EnderPouch on any EnderChest to change the pouch color code to match that of the chest. EnderPouches access the same inventory as their EnderChest counterparts, allowing easy access to your base resources right from your inventory.

As of 1.2, Using a diamond on the latch of an Ender Chest will move it to a seperate network for the player that used the diamond. This allows each player to have acceess to all 4096 frequencies without conflicting in SMP


1.8+ versions at