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Enchantable Blocks will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Enchantable Blocks introduces enchantments for various blocks, including furnaces, crafting tables, and more.

Increase speed, efficiency, and resource preservation with diverse enchantment options.


Currently the mod adds the following enchantments:

  • Boiling: Increases the temperature of the block.
  • Concealed: Conceals external visuals produced by the block.
  • Exporting: Auto exports results from the block.
  • Fuel Efficiency: Increases the duration of fuels.
  • Glintless: Removes the enchantment glint from the block.
  • Intentional Game Design: The functionality of this enchantment is intentional.
  • Preservation: Preserves the resources used in the block.
  • Ranged: Increases the range of the block.
  • Solar Radiance: Harnesses the power of the sun.
  • Speed: Increases the speed at which functions are performed.
  • Storing: Increases the storage capacity of the block.
  • Well Rested: Gives the player a reward for sleeping in the bed.
  • Yield: Adds a chance of increased results."



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