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How to play?
Installation is done through installing the RLCraft Dregora modpack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/rlcraft-dregora
Something that has to be said about the RLCraft team:
Since the start of Dregora in 2013 I have rarely had the privilege to work with such great people which despite their huge and still booming popularity havent had it raise to their heads.
What is Dregora RL?
Dregora RL is a world generator created using OTG for use with RLCraft including over 800 biomes and 20000 biome objects including custom trees, rocks, caves, huge dungeons, villages, medieval cities, both sunken as intact or stranded ships, futuristic apocalyptic structures and cities, custom loot tables, treasure hoves, the ocasional lore expaining what had happened to the world and much, much more!
Dregora RL Consists of the following key points:
- Infinite procedurally generated custom & random terrain.
- 800+ biomes as of latest release(s) + 20k structure objects ranging from small pebbles to cities.
- Thoruhgly tested compatibility with RLCraft and all the mods it contains.
- Dregora spawns all the default resources and structures you would normally find in a RLCraft world.
- Huge hand-crafted sections of map seamlessly generating within the procedurally generated terrain.
Other Presets by Eagle:
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dregora-o-plenty [Dregora + Biomes O Plenty]
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dregora [Dregora Remastered]
Trailers, video's & playthroughs:
Dregora's Succession:
In case 'truck-kun' comes along and 'isakai' me to another world I grand anyone the permission to copy this project under the MIT-License.
Hereby I also grand anyone permission to copy this project under the MIT-License if I, NLBlackEagle show no interaction on the following platforms for over a year; Dregora's Discord, Curseforge, OTG discord, Website and through mail@dregora.com