
DnT Swamp Hut Overhaul will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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This mod is part of the  Dungeons and Taverns series, but does not require Dungeons and Taverns to work. The main Dungeons and Taverns mod does NOT include this mod's features. If you would like more structures similar to this one, then check my profile!

This Splinter Standalone version of Dungeons and Tavern adds the Swamp Hut rework. Adding 2 variants, an loot chest, an brewing stand and an bed

Swamp Hut - Vanilla Style

Added stairs, a brewing table with 1 charge, a bed and a loot table having brewing ingrediencies

Swamp Hut - 2 House Style

This swamp hut is 2 swamp huts stacked into each other

Swamp Hut - Big hut style

This swamp hut is bigger and has a 2nd level

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