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DnT Pillager Outpost Overhaul will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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This mod is part of the  Dungeons and Taverns series, but does not require Dungeons and Taverns to work. The main Dungeons and Taverns mod does NOT include this mod's features. If you would like more structures similar to this one, then check my profile!

This standalone split version of the Pillager Outpost Rework,originally in Dungeons and Taverns, Overhauls the Pillager Outpost by adding 2 new plate types, 4 new tower types and a few more loot chest types and decoration structure parts

Pillager Outpost - Fortress Style

1 of the Outpost tower types with smaller towers and 2 houses



Pillager Outpost - Jail Style

1 of the Outpost Tower types, this one has a jail with allays, a kitchen and some other rooms alongside the standard tower on top

Pillager Outpost - Small House Style

1 of the Outpost styles, this one is a smaller tower on top of an smaller house

Pillager Outpost - Stronghold Style

1 of the Outpost tower types, this one is more fortified using stone bricks with an small library and storage rooms and multiple towers

Pillager Outpost - Vanilla Style

1 of the Outpost tower types, this one is the vanilla towers but with more furniture

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