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Decursio Stages is an Utility mod made by us, The Decursio Team. The primary feature of this mod is the addition of stages to the game. These stages allow modpack developers to lock certain functions or features, preventing players from accessing them until they have reached the appropriate stage. This system provides a powerful tool for creating progression-based gameplay experiences and customizing player access to various mod features within a modpack.



As of this moment the mod can gate the following features:

  • Items
  • Blocks 
  • Mobs
  • Structures
  • Dimensions
  • Containers (any container screen from vanilla or other mods)
  • More to come!


/decstages add <playername> <stage>
Adds a specific stage to a player.

/decstages remove <playername> <stage>
Removes a specific stage from a player.

/decstages all <playername>
Adds all existing stages to a player.

/decstages clear <playername>
Removes all stages that the player currently has.

/decstages info
Displays all known stages.

/decstages restrict
Restricts items on the fly during gameplay.

/decstages links <stage>
Shows the JSON file associated with the selected stage.

/decstages check <playername>
Displays all stages that a player currently has.

/decstages add <playername> <"stage1,stage2">
Adds multiple stages to a player at once. You can add more than two stages.

/decstages remove <playername> <"stage1,stage2">
Removes multiple stages from a player at once.

/decstages reload
Reloads all changes made in the configuration files while in-game, for convenience.


