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DarkFlight - RPG Simple Jetpack will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Equip a Diamond Shovel in your offhand and use the special command to gain jetpack type ability!

Server side is supported. You can install this on the server and not need to have it installed on the client.

Created by the same authors who made DarkRPG (for a full RPG experience, get the DarkRPG modpack and enjoy quests and rpg gameplay)



(Your vanilla experience will be further enhanced thanks to these features)

Place a diamond shovel in your offhand slot (Press F) then use the command /trigger flight to start levitating. You can use this trigger command again once the status effect wears off..

You will also gain slow fall effect to help you land if you are too high in the air.

Place a diamond shovel in the offhand slot

Use the command  /trigger flight

Gain flight ability



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