Dadobug1111's Biomes (Forge/Fabric) will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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This mod adds a few interesting biomes to your world. It does not add any blocks or items, and servers with just this mod should be compatible with vanilla clients.
Fabric version requires:
Forge version requires:
Update 1.6.3 is out!
Now includes config options! Took me long enough...
Includes a unique village, bees and silos in farmland biomes.
Biomes - Not Yet Updated For Latest Version
A biome covered in crops. Spawns villages. No spiders spawn here. Comes with a river variation.
Wheat Fields
Like Farmland, but only wheat.
Vegetable Fields
Like Farmland, but only vegetables.
Carrot Fields
Like Farmland, but only carrots.
Potato Fields
Like Farmland, but only potatoes.
Beetroot Fields
Like Farmland, but only beetroot.
Grazing Fields
Grassy areas with an abundance of animals.
Frozen Wastes
Snow covered packed ice sheets several meters deep. Comes with hills and river variations.
Frozen Wastes Spikes
Variant of Frozen Wastes, with massive ice spikes.
Glass Desert
A desert with sand melted to glass ages ago. Comes with hills and river variation. "Naturally" mob-proof. Generates in cluster with other Glass Desert biomes.
Rainbow Glass Desert
Like the glass desert, but Colorful.
Monochrome Glass Desert
Like the glass desert, but grey.
Orange Glass Desert
Like the glass desert, but red, orange, and brown.
Green Glass Desert
Like the glass desert, but Yellow, Lime, and Green.
Blue Glass Desert
Like the glass desert, but Light Blue, Cyan, and Blue.
Purple Glass Desert
Like the glass desert, but Purple, Magenta, and Pink.
Stone Flats
Barren stone wastes, useful for mining. Comes with hills and river variation.
Slimy Swamp
A swamp covered in a thin layer of slime. Spawns only slimes. Comes with river variation
Andesite Flats
Much like the stone flats, but andesite. Comes with hills and river variation.
Diorite Flats
Much like the stone flats, but diorite. Bane of Iskall. Comes with hills and river variation.
Granite Flats
Much like the stone flats, but granite. Comes with hills and river variation.
Shattered Forest
Exactly like a vanilla forest, but terrain generates like in shattered savannah.
Shattered Desert
Exactly like a vanilla desert, but terrain generates like in shattered savannah.
Shattered Ocean
Comes in variants of all ocean biomes. This version is the warm shattered ocean. Like shattered savannah, but flooded.
Slimy Swamp Wells
Like slimy swamp, but slime generates in deep "wells" instead of everywhere. Thanks DemoniodelReich for the idea!
Fractured Magmaland
A hot biome with fissures and pools of lava strewn about. Life barely survives here, but only at a distance from the lava. Has river variant.
Molten Magmaland
Like fractured magmaland, but completely flooded with lava. Nothing lives on the surface.
Pit of Death
A pit about 50 blocks deep. Comes in Rough and Smooth variants, this one being Smooth. Thanks probablynotjonas for the idea!
Amethyst Island
A rare island covered in amethyst. No hostiles spawn here.
You can change which biomes spawn, and where, in the config!
The 1.19.1/2 port is complete. Sorry for the wait. - 10/4/2022
Feedback is appreciated, I read everything!
-P.S. What do you think about advancements?