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Hello and welcome to you !
Let me present to you the un-official pretty beautiful CraftStudio API for Minecraft !


The question you are probably asking you is what does the CraftStudio API do ?
As you can see in the cute banner created by elias54, the API support models and animations from CraftStudio in Minecraft !
CraftStudio is a software to create 3D models and animate them and it's free ! Go download it !
The API provide a complete support of models, and you can also add animations to Minecraft created with CraftStudio !
A full wiki documentation is available !

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But what is a presentation without images ?
Let see some exemples !

 And voilà !

Use in mods, modpack and others


Feel free to do (almost) whatever you want with our api. No need to ask for modpacks, or to use it as a library. For other use go check the license, you're probably allowed to do what you want to do, but be sure to check for conditions.




Elisée Maurer from SparklinLabs

The man who made CraftStudio with other people from the SparklinLabs team, Thanks for this great tool which is CraftStudio !



We based our work on MCAnimator API, fully rewritten for the newest version of Minecraft and CraftStudio compatibility



The man who work with me (ZeAmateis) to create the first version of the API with the old converter, huge thanks to him !



The man who created the entire newest and fresh version of the API. The God. Period.



The man who made this pretty beautiful banner and logo, based on the CraftStudio Logo ! 



Sys-admin for the project and CodeCleaner-Man !



The man who want some cool animations in minecraft, and the creator of this project.


We are not affiliated with Mojang or SparklinLabs
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