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Starting out as a mod for Minecraft 1.5, Crafting Dead has been around for many years now. It was built on Ferullo’s Gun Mod, one of the first gun mods on the Minecraft scene and has since grown into a sizable server network constantly being enhanced with more content and features.
The mod itself adds in a multitude of zombies and guns, along with cosmetics and medical supplies. The guns are fully customisable with attachments and paints; they are competitive ready with accurate hit detection, latency compensation and recoil. Medical supplies include first aid kits, adrenaline and bandages enabling you to quickly escape, attack and recover from combat situations.
Please read the wiki before asking questions in the comments.
Check out Crafting Dead Survival which contains zombies, the RBI infection, broken leg mechanics, bleeding, supply drops and loot piles.
Download the official modpack on CurseForge here. Please note that we are still in early alpha so expect to find bugs!
Look on the images tab to see some screenshots.
Crafting Dead is licensed under LICENSE.txt for more information. You may use Crafting Dead in modpacks, reviews or any other medium as long as you obide by the terms of the license. Commercial use of the mod must be authorised by NEXUSNODE Directors (Brad Hunter).
Commercial use is any reproduction or purpose that is marketed, promoted, or sold and incorporates a financial transaction. You can use Crafting Dead for personal use, To host a server for friends for example, But not to use the mod or mod pack in any way that gives you a financial advantage, neither can you use or modify the code and re-sell it which will allow others to gain a financial advantage. Any use of the Crafting Dead mod other than within the official Crafting Dead Mod pack is for personal use, none of our work or assets can be used in any way that will allow the person commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
Crafting dead is protected under copyright law in over 179 countries under the Berne Convention, TRIPS & WTO.
Any Youtubers or Twitch streamers are welcome to create videos using our mods and monetize them, However you will need to ensure that you link the official pack/mod in the video description. You are welcome to create your own pack using this mod without authrorisation as long as it is soley used as a private server and your finantial advantage comes soley from video monetization.
Please contact or Brad#8888 on Discord if you have any questions or concerns. Commercial use through the official modpack is granted (Such as adding servers through the official modpack) anything that falls outside of the official modpack requires authrorisation.
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