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Coordin'ts is a mod that helps prevent you from accidentally leaking your base's coordinates by hiding them from the F3 screen when inside a configurable range and blocking, redacting or obfuscating said coordinates if attempted to be sent in a chat message.


This mod is in early beta so it is currently client-side-only and blacklisted coordinates apply to all worlds and servers. These will eventually be addressed in a future release.


You can define multiple ranges of coordinates to blacklist and the mod can detect when your chat messages contain similar coordinates to those blacklisted - even if not technically within the range - helping protect against "x is at 2001" when the blacklisted range is x 1500-2000 for example.


There are three modes for handling messages containing blacklisted coordinates:

1) Redact: replaces the coordinates with a random amount of Xs

2) Randomise: replaces the coordinates with irrelevant random coordinates to confuse players

3) Block: prevents the message from being sent altogether