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Construction Sticks allow you to place multiple blocks at once, up to 1024 at a time, extending your build in the direction you're facing. You can upgrade your stick to enhance its abilities, making construction faster and more efficient.



There are five different tiers of Construction Sticks: Wood, Copper, Iron, Diamond, and Netherite. Each tier offers improved durability and block placement abilities, and can be further upgraded with templates.

Stick Durability Max. Blocks Upgradeable Angel Distance Max. Blocks (Destroy)
Wood 59 3 Yes 1 1
Copper 131 9 Yes 2 3
Iron 250 27 Yes 4 9
Diamond 1561 128 Yes 8 25
Netherite 2031 1024 Yes 16 81


Upgrade Templates

Templates add special upgrades to your Construction Sticks. To apply a template, combine the stick, template, and an additional item in a Smithing Table.


Available Templates:

  • Angel: Place blocks behind the ones you're facing or in mid-air.
  • Destruction: Remove blocks quickly and efficiently.
  • Unbreakable: Removes durability consumption, allowing infinite block placement.
  • Battery: Lets the stick use RF instead of durability.


Additional Features

  • Shulker Boxes, Bundles, and Other Containers: Use them as sources for building blocks.
  • Offhand Placement: Place blocks from your offhand instead of the one you're looking at.



This is a fork of the original ConstructionWand mod, which is MIT licensed. It has been modified to add new features and improvements, including new tiers, templates, and functionality. The original mod was created by Theta-Dev.




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