

■ This mod does not affect the vanilla /gamerule KeepInventory, but adds a config (keepinventory-common.toml) that allows you to customize which slots should be kept after death, expirience, saturation and other things. It is comfortable and not overly casual like the vanilla gamerule.

■ Features

  • By default the mod save the score, experience, hotbar (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), off-hand (40/45), helmet (39), chestplate (38), leggins (37) and boots (36) after player death. You can find the numbers of other slots id with google and add them!
  • keepPotionEffects/keepSaturation/keepHunger - are disabled by default, but you can easily enable them in the configs.
  • To prevent a player who dies of hunger from appearing with an empty stomach (only for keepHunger = true), he is given +1 hunger unit by default, but you can make keepedHungerMinLimit higher.
  • If vanilla /gamerule KeepInventory true then all mod settings are ignored.

■ Credits:
Developer: Astemir
- Idea/page design: BlackAures

 ■ Compatible with: QuarkGraveStone ModEnigmatic Graves and all others grave mods. Should support slots from other mods, but ask the developers of other mods about their ids. Only works with vanilla slots by default.