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Modpack Configuration Checker
Modpack Configuration Checker is a highly configurable mod that allows modpack creators to customise Minecraft to better support modpacks. It allows features such as displaying webpages on launch to features such as checking the modpack user has assigned enough RAM to the modpack. This mod significantly expands amount of options a modpack author has.
The mod can easily be configured from in game (instructions below). However without configuration Modpack Configuration Checker verifies that at least 2gb of RAM has been assigned to a modpack, greatly increasing performance and minimising crashes.
Some of the features the mod offers:
- Setting a required amount of RAM that is needed for the modpack to run. If this requirement is not met it alerts the user and closes the game.
- Setting a recommended amount of RAM that is recommended for the modpack to run. If this requirement is not met then the user is alerted.
- Setting a website to open as the game launches. Useful for opening modpack website or support pages.
- Setting a custom message to be displayed as the game loads for example to display credits.
- Setting custom messages to be displayed when RAM requirements not met. Useful for making the mod fit in with the feel of your pack.
- Ability to change if message boxes appear on top of other windows.
- Set custom greeting messages that appear in chat when a game is loaded.
Feel free to use this mod in any modpacks and post on other forums. Just make sure to put a link back here. View Full License Here
How to Configure (Minecraft 1.13 +
I highly recommend including this mod in your modpack:
This will allow configuration from in game making your job much easier.
Step 1) Click on the 'Mods' button on the main menu screen.
Step 2) Select 'Modpack Config Checker from the list of mods the left.
Step 3) Click on the 'Config' button in the bottom left.
- If you are unsure of what a setting does, hovering over it will display a small description which should make things clearer. However if you are still unsure, experiment!! Or if you prefer, either send me a PM or leave a comment on this thread. I will be happy to explain any of the mods mechanics to you.
Manual Configuration (1.13.x - 1.20.x)
Manual Configuration (Located at in game folder at: Config\concheckrmd-client.toml)
This section shows you how to configure the mod manually without the optional GUI. Open the config file in notepad or a text editor.
Colour coded version of the configuration file. This will show you what values can and cannot be changed.
Colour Key
BLUE: Boolean (Meaning they can only be changed to 'true' or 'false')
RED: String (Meaning they can be changed to any text. eg: 'Hello World')
Green: Integers (Meaning they can be changed to any number. eg: '512')
["Customisable Chat Greeting Message"]
#The color of the message to be displayed in chat.
#Allowed Values: Blue, Green, Red, Aqua, Yellow, White, Black, Grey, Purple, Dark_Blue, Dark_Green, Dark_Red, Dark_Purple
"#3) Greeting Message Color" = "Yellow"
#The text to be displayed in chat.
"#2) Greeting Message Text" = "Hello there! Welcome to my modpack."
#Customisable message that will be displayed in chat when a world is loaded.
"#1) Display Chat Greeting Message?" = true
["Customisable Start Message"]
#Customisable message that will appear each time the game starts. This is useful for displaying credits.
"#1) Display message box?" = true
#Will the window show on top of all other windows? Recommended to keep set to True.
"#2) Display message box topmost?" = true
#The text that will be displayed in the message box.
"#3) Message Box Text" = "Hello Modpack Users! Made by matt_r__"
["Customisable First Start Message"]
#A message box that will be displayed when the game is started for the first time. This is useful for displaying instructions.
"#1) Display message box?" = true
#Will the window show on top of all other windows? Recommended to keep set to True.
"#2) Display message box topmost?" = true
#The text that will be displayed in the message box.
"#3) Message Box Text" = "Welcome. Thank you for starting my mofdpack for the first time!"
["Open A Website when the Game Starts"]
#Opens a webpage when the game starts. This is useful for modpack support.
"#1) Display Website when game starts?" = true
#The URL of the website that will be displayed. This can be formatted like:, or
"#2) Website URL" = ""
["Amount of RAM Recommended for Game to Start"]
#The amount of RAM recommended for stable gameplay.
#Range: 128 ~ 51200
"#1) Ram Recommended (IN MB)" = 12048
#If the player has less than the recommended amount of RAM assigned to the modpack then a warning will be displayed when the game is started.
"#2) Check RAM meets recommendation?" = true
#The custom message to be displayed if you have set the previous setting to 'True'. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#5) Custom Message" = "You should assign more RAM to experience better performance."
#Will the window show on top of all other windows? I highly recommend this is left as true.
"#3) Display message box topmost?" = true
#Customise the text that appears in the warning message. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#4) Customise low RAM Warning?" = false
["Recommended RAM Chat Message"]
#The amount of RAM recommended for stable gameplay.
#Range: 128 ~ 51200
"#1) Ram Recommended (IN MB)" = 51200
#If the player has less than the recommended amount of RAM assigned to the modpack then a warning will be displayed in chat when a world is loaded.
"#2) Check RAM meets recommendation?" = true
#Customise the text that appears in the warning message. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#3) Customise low RAM Warning?" = true
#The custom message to be displayed in chat if you have set the previous setting to 'True'. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#4) Custom Message" = "You should assign more RAM to experience better performance."
["Amount of RAM Required for Game to Start"]
#If the player has less than the required amount of RAM assigned to the modpack then they will be alerted as the game starts and the game will close.
"#2) Check RAM meets requirement?" = true
#The amount of RAM required for the game to run.
#Range: 128 ~ 51200
"#1) Ram Required (IN MB)" = 1024
#The custom message to be displayed if you have set the previous setting to 'True'. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#5) Custom Message" = "You need more RAM. The game will close."
#Will the window show on top of all other windows? I highly recommend this is left as true.
"#3) Display message box topmost?" = true
#Customise the text that appears in the error message. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#4) Display custom text in messagebox?" = false
["Game Launch Time Limit"]
#If the game exceeds the launch timeout then a message box will be displayed and the game will close.
"#2) Check game meets launch timeout?" = false
#The custom message to be displayed if you have set the previous setting to 'True'. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#5) Custom Message" = "The game has taken too long too start to start this modpack. This is probably due to insufficient system resources. The game will now close."
#The maximum amount of time the game will be allowed to spend booting. (IN SECONDS)
#Range: 5 ~ 5400
"#1) Launch Timeout (IN SECONDS)" = 30
#Will the window show on top of all other windows? I highly recommend this is left as true.
"#3) Display message box topmost?" = true
#Customise the text that appears in the error message. Will display custom message instead of the default text.
"#4) Display custom text in error message?" = false
How to Configure (Minecraft 1.11 + 1.12)
As of version 1.6 the mod can now be completely configured from in game. This means that is it no longer necessary to edit any of the config files manually making the mod MUCH easier to use. The configuration screen can be accessed by following these steps:
Step 1) Click on the 'Mods' button on the main menu screen.
Step 2) Select 'Modpack Config Checker from the list of mods the left.
Step 3) Click on the 'Config' button in the bottom left.
- If you are unsure of what a setting does, hovering over it will display a small description which should make things clearer. However if you are still unsure, experiment!! Or if you prefer, either send me a PM or leave a comment on this thread. I will be happy to explain any of the mods mechanics to you.
- I have created a migration tool which means that all of your settings will transfer to updated versions of the mod. This ensures a seamless transfer, so that there will be no impact on the average user. If an old Config file is detected then the game will automatically give you the option to import your old settings. I have spent a lot of time of this feature, meaning it has a very very high success rate.
- The in game config is only available on 1.11.2 and over (For now). This is due to the greater complexity of this setup on older versions of forge. If you are on a lower Minecraft version you will have to use the legacy config, which is explained below. If there is enough interest I may backport to 1.10.2 or 1.7.10 in the future, but for now these versions will no longer be updated.
Legacy Config (Minecraft 1.10 and below) (Located at in game folder at: Config/concheckrmd.cfg)
Colour coded version of the configuration file. This will show you what values can and cannot be changed.
Colour Key
BLUE: Boolean (Meaning they can only be changed to 'true' or 'false')
RED: String (Meaning they can be changed to any text. eg: 'Hello World')
Green: Integers (Meaning they can be changed to any number. eg: '512')
Config File
"custom greeting message" {
B:"1. Display custom greeting message when joining a world?"=false
# A message that will be displayed in chat when a game is loaded. Will only display if 'Display custom greeting message when joining a world?' equals true [default: Hello there! Welcome to my modpack.]
S:"2. Custom greeting message text"=Hello there! Welcome to my modpack.
"custom messagebox" {
B:"1. Show custom messagebox when game loads?"=false
B:"2. Display message box on top of all other windows?"=true
# Enter popup text. Will only display if 'Show custom messagebox when game loads?' equals true [default: Hello World!!]
S:"3. Custom Messagebox text"=Hello World!!
"display webpage" {
B:"1. Open web browser to URL when game loads?"=false
# Enter URL to be launched. Will only display if 'Open web browser to URL when game loads?' equals true [default:]
S:"2. URL to webpage"
"ram recommendation" {
I:"1. Ram Recommended (IN MB)"=2048
B:"2. Check RAM meets recommendation?"=true
B:"3. Display message box on top of all other windows?"=true
B:"4. Display custom text in message box if RAM recommendations not met?"=false
# Enter custom text to be shown if RAM recommendation not met. Will only display if 'Display custom text in message box if RAM recommendation not met?' equals true [default: You should add more RAM.]
S:"5. Custom recommendation text"=You should add more RAM.
B:"6. Display warning in game chat if RAM recommendation not met?"=true
B:"7. Customise game chat RAM recommendation message?"=false
# Enter custom text to be shown in game chat if RAM recommendation not met. Will only display if 'Customise game chat RAM recommendation message?"' equals true [default: [WARNING] You should assign more RAM to this modpack.]
S:"8. Custom chat message"=[WARNING] You should assign more RAM to this modpack.
"ram requirement" {
I:"1. Ram Required (IN MB)"=1024
B:"2. Check RAM meets requirement?"=false
B:"3. Display message box on top of all other windows?"=true
B:"4. Display custom text in message box if RAM requirement not met?"=false
# Enter custom text to be shown if RAM requirement not met. Will only display if 'Display custom text in message box if RAM requirement not met?' equals true [default: You need more RAM.]
S:"5. Custom requirement text"=You need more RAM.