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Compact Void Miners

  • Do you hate large multiblock structures?
  • Do you hate having to find new locations to gather ores?
  • Do you hate having too much spare power?

If so, this is the mod for you!

  • Collect Random Ores from OreDictionary in the Void Miner
  • Collect Random Fluids in the Void Pump
  • This mod uses mekanism upgrades for its machines

Only want certain items/fluids?

  • Put a filter upgrade in and an item to filter for (or a filled bucket of fluid)
  • Wait a while...
  • Profit!
    (Note: It won't get it specifically, it just will collect something random and see if it is what you want otherwise it will destroy it, it still uses power for these destroyed items)

It is also compatible with Speed, Energy and Anchor upgrades.

###⚠️ Mekanism 1.12.2- or higher is required ⚠️
The outside of the Void Miner and Void Pump The gui of the Void Pump and Void Miner The crafting recipes for the Void Miner and Void Pump