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Chat Patches (formerly Where's My Chat History)

Requires Yet Another Config Lib and a menu mod (see below) for 1.19.2+

A Minecraft client-side mod that touches up Minecraft's mundane chat, with configurability in mind!

It's most significant features include (but are not limited to):

  • Increasing the maximum amount of chat messages from 100 to 16,384
  • Adding a timestamp in front of all messages, formatted as [HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND] in pink text, with a tooltip that renders a complete date
  • Keeping chat history and previously sent messages across ALL worlds and servers
  • Allowing logging chat messages for restoring them later in future Minecraft sessions
  • Letting you modify vanilla player names to anything you want (ex. without the triangle brackets!)
  • Minimizing spam with a counter that shows how many duplicate messages have been sent in a row
  • Shifting the chat hud up by 10 pixels, so it doesn't overlap with the armor bar
  • Providing a menu to copy specific data (and the text of course!) from chat messages
  • Letting you search through all received messages with a search bar
  • YOU being able to toggle any of these features and MORE!

Many of these features were adopted or inspired from the following existing mods (of which Chat Patches serves as a replacement):


  • What Minecraft version can I use this with?
    • The latest Fabric versions of Minecraft, plus 1.18.x. Quilt seemingly works out of the box, but I don't specifically develop versions for it.
  • Will you make it for (older Minecraft version)?
    • Unless it's after 1.18.x, then probably not. Any older version would only be considered if it was requested across the board, because I don't have the time for that!
  • Will you make this for Forge or NeoForge?
    • Yes, but it will take some time. I have a system that is in-development that would support Forge, but it's pretty complicated and hinges on a lot of other things. But keep an eye out, one day it will be ready!
  • I found a bug/issue, what do I do?
    • First, make sure you're on the latest version of Chat Patches for your Minecraft version. If it doesn't go away, you can click on the Issues tab on this page, and if it hasn't been reported yet, you can create a new report! Make sure to fill out the entire thing as much as possible.
  • It says I need to install Fabric, but I already have it installed?
  • Do servers need this mod?
    • Nope! It's entirely client-side, meaning it won't do anything if installed on the server.
  • I can't access the config menu in-game!
  • My config is broken/not working!
    • When you load one of the more recent mod versions, it makes a creates a new file with your old settings and resets the main file. You can access this copy at (directory)/config/chatpatches_old.json. By then opening both the new and old configs at the same time, you can copy and paste over the values. Make sure the settings have correct inputs (ex. time should be true/false not 123 or "true").
    • If you still are having problems, open a new issue on GitHub.
  • Can I use this in a modpack?
  • Can I re-upload this mod elsewhere?
    • No, unless you have explicit permission from me (OBro1961), modify the mod in an undisputable way, or any download links used direct to one of the official pages (see above). If you're unsure, message me on Discord (@obro1961) about it.
  • How do I do XYZ?
    • If the answer you're looking for isn't anywhere here or in the config, check the #Help section located below.
    • If you still can't find it, ask in the Discord!

Localization and Translation

If you would like to help translate Chat Patches into other languages, you can:

Once you contribute, join the Discord server so you can receive your complementary Contributor and Translator roles!

Find out more information on the GitHub page!

Any suggestions and/or issues are much more likely to be addressed if they are made on GitHub.

Thank you all so much for 50k downloads!! β€πŸŽ‰ (2/6/2023)

75k!!!! πŸ€―πŸ€―πŸ€―β€β€β€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ (2/12/2023)

100,000 downloads!! that is actually insane thanks so much omg 🀯🀯🀯❀❀❀πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ°πŸ°πŸ° (2/19/2022)

250,000!?!?!?!? wtf thank you all ❀❀❀❀❀❀ (3/24/2023)

oh my god 500 THOUSAND downloads?!?!?! that's half a MILLION!!!! thank you all so much! special thanks to those modpacks that include this ;) (5/27/2023)


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