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Better Berries Redux Plus for 1.20.1+ (For NeoForge)
Do you like Better Berries Redux? Me too, so I made this addon to add even more berries to your world without bloating the main mod.
- New Berries: Candleberries, Cranberries, Mulberries, Strawberries
- New Berry Bushes: Candleberry Bushes, Cranberry Bushes, Mulberry Bushes, Strawberry Bushes
- More Berry Juices and Berry Smoothies
- Berry Jams and Berry Jam and Toast
- All in the style of the existing Sweet Berries and Sweet Berry Bushes
This mod is inspired by Natura and Pam's HarvestCraft.
This mod is a submission for SpookyJam 2023. Visit the SpookyJam website.
Also, check out all my active mods here: Lemon's Mods Notion or