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Basic Ores Revamped will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Note: This is a work in progress, there may be bugs, and things are liable to be changed or removed. Also, despite the name, this mod is VERY likely to become overly, if not a little, complicated.


This is a remake of a mod I made, called "Basic Ores,"

With this mod, I aim to recreate and improve Basic Ores.

Many of the features of the original Basic Ores may not, and probably will not return.



Items Added


Refined Ruby

Ruby Blade

Ruby Geode

Ruby Shard

Ruby Pickaxe And Sword, (yes, i know i went overboard with rubies).


Sapphire Geode

Sapphire Shard

(Emerald) Crystal Geode

(Diamond) Crystal Geode

Copper Ingot

Copper Nugget

Copper Ore Chunk

Iron Ore Chunk




Blocks Added

Ruby Encrusted Gold Block

Ruby Ore

Sapphire Ore

Copper Ore



Vanilla Features Changed

All overworld ores drop cobblestone,


Iron ore drops ore chunks like the other metal ores in this mod.

Diamond and Emerald drop geodes.

Nether Quartz drops netherrack as well as quartz, like the nether ores in this mod.


Planned Features

Alloys, possibly alloying, though that's not likely,

RF, if I do add this, it's most likely just going to be a generator,

More naturally occurring metals,

