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     Do you know why it's named balanced enchantments? Coz this is enchantment mod that you can fully customize it in your way

    This mod add 16 unique enchantments and 3 curses that you can't find in any other mods. I made this mod with only one rule: "Don't outshine vanilla thing", so I add some restrictions on enchantments, you will have a unique experiences as well as unique battle styles on each enchantment.

    Compatible with Enchantment Descriptions



Config file contain all below options and it's easy to modify, it's name describe pretty straight forward, but I will put detail below.

All Enchantment general options:

    + Enable: Allow enchantment exist in game

    + Max level: You decide it's max level that can be found in game (Althought if you have bigger level by previous config it still persist in game)

Command /BalancedEnchantmentReload: Reload config setting, no effect or potential crash if you change general options.


+++Magma walker: (Very rare) Solidifies lava if you slowly step (shift) on it, small chance to deal damage to boots unless netherite [Boots], not compatible with depth strider or frost walker

    + Radius per level: Increase solified radius per level (Default 1)

    + Min duration: Time in tick that magma block will change state (Default 20)

    + Max duration: You know that (Default 100)

+++Soul Summon: (Rare) Mask soul sands below enemy for a period of time [Hoe]

    + Only hoe: You can found it when enchant hoe, but what if you have a book with an anvil... So this option prevent trigger effect when player is not holding hoe (Default false)

    + Tick duration: Duration in tick that souls will persist (Default 40)

    + Chance: You won't trigger the second time if the first effect still on, plus, this chance in percent determine trigger chance (Default 25)

+++Volley: (Rare) This is my favorite, makes the bow shoot a volley of arrows in an arc [Bow], crossbow use multishot pls

    + Angle between (in degree): Determine angle between each arrow (if you have 3 arrows and set 120 deg, it's one round) (Default 10)

    + Remove Sub Arrow: remove all non-main arrow after 5 seconds (default false)

    + Match infinity: Normally this enchantment can't clash with infinity enchantment, only if you set to false (Default true)

+++SuperCharged: (Uncommon) Increase damage but weaker after attack [Tools, Sword], not compatible with damage enchantment (sharpness, undead, arthropods)

    + Damage add per level: Increase damage each enchantment level (Default 4)

    + Weakness level: apply weakness to user (Default 2)

    + Weakness duration: Duration of weakness effect in tick (Default 60)

    + Cooldown: Minium time in tick which user can active again, no mid-charged or something like (Default 60)

+++HeroLanding: (Uncommon) Negate fall damage at a certain height [Boots], not compatible with feather falling, not stack

    + Height add per level: Default, 4 blocks height for level 1, 7 for level 2, 10 for level 3 (Default 3)

+++CMoon: (Uncommon) Inverse gravity of target [Tools, Sword], can't pair with knockback

    + Power: Gravity power (Default 2)

    + Affect Health below: Affect only mob below this health (Default 40)

+++IceAspect: (Uncommon) Increase damage but weaker after attack [Tools, Sword], ofc not with fire aspect

    + Chance: Chance to trigger (Default 75)

    + Freeze duration per level: Time in tick victim get freezing damage (Default 80)

+++StatusProtection: (Rare) Chance to remove bad status [Armor], can stack

    + Initial cooldown: Time (tick) to trigger effect (Default 2400)

    + Initial chance: Chance (%) to trigger effect (Default 45)

    + Cooldown reduce/ Chance increase per level: Time in tick and chance in number (%) (Default 140 / 3)

    + All status level: Minium level to remove higher status (slowdown, weakness, darkness, confusion) (Default 10)

+++HuntingInstinct: (Very rare) Boost ability when fighting, get slowness when not [Weapon], not compatible with Super Charge, only find in loot chest

    + Chance: Chance apply buffs when hitting (Default 75)

    + Slowness level: Apply slowness to user when not in combat (Default 0)

    + Strength/ Speed level: Buffs level (Default 0/1)

+++Linking: (Common) Adjacent ores will be broken with this [Pickaxe], not compatible with Fortune

    + Add block per level: Add block per level (Default 2)

+++Auto-Machine: (Rare) Create a tunnel when sneaking [Tool], not compatible with Super Charge, only find in loot chest

    + Initial Length: tunel length of level 1 (Default 3)

    + Add length per level: Add length (Default 2)

+++Invisible Shield: (Rare) Grant a shield that reduces first damage taken [Armor]

    + Recover tick: Time in tick to recover the shield (Default 200)

    + Percent reduction per level: Percent damage reduce per level (Default 20)

+++Mining Focus: (Common) Breaking the same block consecutively grants Haste for a period, has cooldown [Tool]

    + Add tick per level: Effect longer with higher level (Default 160)

    + Haste level: Level of Haste effect (Default 1)

    + Cooldown: Cooldown for another Haste buff (Default 800)

+++Weapon Art: (Uncommon) Reduces damage when battling weapon-wielding mobs [Weapon]

    + Percent reduction per level: Increase damage reduction in % (Default 7)

+++True Sharpness: (Very rare) Increase flat amount of damage but consume durability [Weapon], not compatible with Damage Enchantment, treasure only

    + Add damage: Double sharpness (Default 5)

    + Durability reduce: Each hit will consume durability (Default 10)

+++Mighty Force: (Very rare) Increase damage when hitting mob, max 5 stages and consume more arrow [Bow, Crossbow], not compatible with Damage Enchantment, only find in loot chest

    + Stack Delete Tick: Time in tick the bow become normal (Default 80)

    + Percent damage increase: Percent increase each stage (Default 20, from v1.4 is 10)

+++Curse of Durability: (Very rare) Curse type like any curse in vanilla, cap at level 1, damage or recover durability of cursed equipment by random amount.

    + Min random: Minium of random number, negative to recover (Default -10)

    + Max random: Maximun of random number can have (Default 10)

+++Curse of Unstable: (Very rare) Curse type, may jump out your hand when being hit by living entity

    + Chance: You already know (Default 5)

+++Curse of Provocation: (Very rare) Curse type, nearby mobs suppose you hit them, but you can't explain why

    + Radius: Radius to provoke (Default 2)

+++Fire Bane: (Rare) Increase damage when target is on fire, further for blaze [Tool, Sword]

    + Percent damage add per level: Lv3 add 30% (Default 10)

    + Increase for Blaze: Same as above but addition for Blaze (Default 10)

    + Resistance tick duration:  User gain fire resistance (Default 20)

+++Quick Hand: (Uncommon) Reduce pick up time when mining [Tool]

    + Reduce tick per level: Default tick when item drop and picked up is 10 ticks, reduce that amount (Default 3)

+++Perfectly Balanced: (Very rare) Curse type, double damage, halve health, has cooldown

    + Balanced Percent: Increase damage by this percent, divide current health by this percent (Default 100)

    + Tick to reset: Tick time to hold this effect and trigger again after that (Default 300)

+++Luminous Touch: (Uncommon) Emit light after mining [Tool]

    + Light add per level: Max light amount is 15, more light more bright (Default 3)

    + Tick to remove: Remove light source after this tick time (Default 200)

I'm talking to you:
    I hope you enjoy this mod.

    + Some enchantments are only available at specific levels on the enchantment table. You have to combine them, or you can use another mod's enchantment table that expands the range of enchantment levels. To ensure higher levels appear correctly, you must define this through resources, or another mod can expand the levels beyond 10.

    + These enchantment' s default config may not true for all version, you have to edit it, but it should not crash, if so feel free to report to me. (if crashed, you can try delete config and it will generate a new one)

    + Enchantments intended to work when user is a mob all the time, or at least I tried, but some not (status protection..), so test carefully before using them.

    + If you have any question or recommend on this mod, like "this thing normally should work like this", please leave a comment or pm me.

    + I only do simple test on singleplayer, multiplayer and the process is pretty simple, so if you have any error or bug, please leave a comment or pm me, test carefully before playing server. (Disable enchantment if it's crash)

    + I google translate chinese, so notice me if you have recommend. Also, you can change it in resource section

    + If you enjoy this mod, please leave a comment below.

    + Thanks you very much.

Recent bug:

- Normal player can do Reload command but will do nothing coz they don't have permission (fixed in v1.3)