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A minimal fork of the offhand mod by tclproject, this mod implements a sole offhand slot - No extra items added!


By default, the offhand behaves very much like the latest versions of vanilla Minecraft. Configs to blacklist items from being used in the offhand, enable attacking and breaking blocks with the offhand, and allow an empty offhand have all been added for additional functionality.



  • If your main hand item is not a sword and has a function, it will always be used over the offhand
  • Arrows held in the offhand will be used first (complete with Et Futurum compatibility!)
  • Placing and breaking blocks with the offhand
  • Attacking with the offhand item and main hand item at the same time
  • Fixes to the original offhand mod by tclproject


Incompatible with Battlegear 2 and The Offhand Mod. If experiencing crashes with the shoulder surfing mod, change the crosshair type to "Dynamic" in your configs.


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