


Highly customizable mobs leveling mod!

The further you move from spawn, the stronger your enemies become!


The level of monsters is based on the distance from spawn

The level of monsters is being shown above monsters, next to its names




  If set to true, level of the monster will be shown above its head when you are hovering over it with crosshair.



  If set to true, level of monsters will be always shown above their heads.



  List of entities that shouldn't show their levels.

  Useful if you have certain mobs that are disguised in some way.

  Values: list of entities ID

  Example: hidden_levels = ["minecraft:zombie","minecraft:shulker"]

  You can also blacklist whole namespace by typing "<mod_id>:*"

  Example: blacklist = ["minecraft:*"]



  List of entities that should not gain levels

  Values: list of entities ID

  Example: blacklist = ["minecraft:blaze","minecraft:zombie"]

  You can also blacklist whole namespace by typing "<mod_id>:*"

  Example: blacklist = ["minecraft:*"]



  List of entities that should gain levels (if not empty, other entities will have no levels)

  Values: list of entities ID

  Example: whitelist = ["minecraft:enderman","minecraft:creeper"]

  You can also whitelist whole namespace by typing "<mod_id>:*"

  Example: whitelist = ["minecraft:*"]



  How much more experience mobs will drop per level

  Default value 0.1 means 10% more per level



  Should always be higher than zero



  Should always be higher or equal to zero

  If set to zero, there will be no maximum level for mobs in this dimension



  Should always be higher or equal to zero

  How much levels mobs will gain per one block traveled from spawn

  Default value 0.01 means 1 level per 100 blocks traveled



  Should always be higher or equal to zero

  How much levels mobs will gain per one block traveled below the ocean level

  Default value is 0



  Should always be higher or equal to zero 

  If set above zero, mobs will have a chance to spawn with a level higher by a random value between zero and the specified value



  List of pairs of attribute IDs and bonuses per one level

  Will work with attributes from mods



This mod adds two items that interact with config file: blacklist tool and whitelist tool

Both can be used on an entity to add it to respective list



You can modify loot from leveled mobs using loot table condition "autoleveling:level_check"

The mod does not modify any loot drops by default

To modify loot from leveled mobs, you need to make a data pack that will contain your custom loot tables.


Loot table condition format:


"condition" : "autoleveling:level_check",
"min" : <min level>,
"max" : <max level>


This example loot table adds one diamond to loot from blazes of levels from 5 to 10 while keeping default loot.


You can also use loot table "autoleveling:gameplay/leveled_mobs" which is used for all mobs that have levels

This example loot table adds one diamond to all mobs of levels from 1 to 5 and one emerald to all mobs of levels from 6 to 10



You can modify leveled mobs equipment using a data pack

The mod does not modify mobs equipment by default


Path to mobs equipment loot tables: data/<mod_id>/loot_tables/equipment/<entity_id>_<slot_id>.json

Example (for vanilla zombie and head slot): data/minecraft/loot_tables/equipment/zombie_head.json


This example loot table will equip leather helmets on piglings of level 1 to 5 and golden helment on piglins of level 6 to 10

This example loot table will remove main hand item from piglings of level 1 and will equip stone sword on piglins of level 2 to 5


Equipment slot IDs are: head, chest, legs, feet, mainhand and offhand



You can change mobs textures based on their level using resource packs

Path to mob texture: assets/<mod_id>/textures/leveled_mobs/<entity_id>_<level>.png

Example texture that will be applied to piglins of level 3 and higher: assets/minecraft/textures/leveled_mobs/piglin_3.png



Global settings can be changed in the config

You can also adjust leveling settings for each dimension or for each entity type using a data pack

Path to dimension settings file: data/<mod_id>/leveling_settings/dimensions/<dimension_id>.json

This example datapack has three settings files for each vanilla dimension, you can it as an example

Dimension settings will always have higher priority over default leveling settings


Path to entity settings file: data/<mod_id>/leveling_settings/entities/<entity_type_id>.json

These example entity settings will set every enderman to level 20

Entity settings will always have higher priority over dimension settings


Leveling settings file format:


"starting_level" : 1,
"max_level" : 0,

"levels_per_distance" : 0.01,

"levels_per_deepness" : 0,

"random_level_bonus" : 0


Same as in the config file



/autoleveling addlevel <value>

  Will give a level bonus to all entities in all dimensions



Jade - shows level tooltip when hovering over mobs



zhangyg_ - For reporting lots of bugs.


Feel free to suggest ideas for mod improvements.