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- Change your size (Default key: F)
- Change the size of ALL living entites with throwable discs!
- Suits: MCU AntMan, MCU Civil War AntMan, MCU Yellowjacket & MCU Wasp
- bigg713 for making/editing armor textures
- Skin Textures by Kill3rCreeper & RazerDMG
- MadbriX for some ideas
- Marvel ^^

- 1.8.9 Version - ThreeTAG (My channel) - German
- 1.7.10 Version - LeKoopa - German
- 1.8.9 Version - PopularMMOs - English
- 1.7.10 Version - HelldogMadness - Spanish
- 1.7.10 Version - TheMinecraftHippie - English
- 1.7.10 Version - TazerCraft - Portugese
- 1.7.10 Version - Alikememo Gaming - Spanish
- 1.7.10 Version - Archi GamesClub - Russia
- Decrease your size! (default with key F)
- Open/close helmet! (default with C key)
- RF Support! Suit uses energy when Thermal Expansion and/or EnderIO is installed!
- Slowness and strength buff when you're small! I suggest to disable potion particles with OptiFine!
- Producer Pym-Particles!
- HUD to display energy! (can be disabled with key U)

RF CompatibilityCrafting Recipes (of course)A way to make Pym ParticlesSlower speed, more strength while you're small- Ant-Mobs, which can be tamed and controlled
Yellowjacket& Wasp- After all this: GiantMan!
- Swimming problems
- You'll stuck in block when changing to normal size
- You'll stuck in block when jumping under a block